The collection is privately maintained with the primary aim of preserving the papers in our care for the benefit of future generations.
Charters and legal documents relate to properties in both Scotland and England. Examples of some of the personal, business and political correspondence are the judge’s notebooks of the Lord Chief Justice, William, 1st Earl of Mansfield, and the ambassadorial correspondence of David, 2nd Earl of Mansfield. Although by no means all records have survived, general accounts, correspondence and ledgers describe the running and development of the houses and estates from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.

The collection has been surveyed by the National Register of Archives (Scotland). Paper copies of the survey are held by the National Archives of Scotland (in Edinburgh), National Library of Scotland (in Edinburgh), and The National Archives (in London). A copy is also held by University of Dundee Archive Services.
Please note that charges do apply for search and access facilities (£45 per hr) and that access to specific archives may be at the discretion of Scone Estates from whom permission must be sought, via We would ask that you state your name, address, contact details, as well as the intended usage and distribution details etc.
Please also note that charges are also made for permissions to reproduce archives and conditions apply.